The Things I've Seen
Five adult men on a motorbike....that is ....all on the same motorbike.
A three story house knocked down in two days with the team using nothing but sledge hammers and cane baskets.
A Vietnamese boy with Downs Syndrome...you may ask how I could tell.
The guys from the electricity company working on the power lines, in the rain.
Live eels in the local market.
Live frogs tied to string, all trying to hop in different directions while awaiting selection at a street-side restaurant.
A guy with one leg driving a motorbike with his crutches slung over his shoulder.
A Vietnamese dwarf...surprisingly he did stand out among all of these petite people.
A huge bundle of steel reinforcing rod being transported by bicycle.
A little guy carrying our home-delivered plants up three flights of stairs to the rooftop.(Check out the size of them in the photos)
The Things I've Done.
Happy Hour on the 23rd floor of the Sheraton Hotel, spectacular view and half price cocktails.
Ridden on the back of a bike through flooded streets.
Climbed millions of stairs
Been to the hairdresser and had my hair washed while sitting (upright) in front of the mirror.
Been out with the Hash House Harriers (a group who describe themselves as "Drinkers with a running problem")
Sat by a stream watching the most vibrant coloured bird dive for bugs in the water.
Purchased prescription drugs over the counter, without a prescription.
(James has had a game of golf at the Vietnam Golf and Country Club....and loved it. But then again, have never heard him say he hasn't enjoyed a game.)
The Things I've Said
How much?
No, too much!!
Look out!!!
No thank you.
(James quote"I'm learning a lot about kids")
The Things I've Wanted To Cry At
The children begging in the street on my walk home from work.
The guy begging in the main street who looks like he has fallen face first into a fire.
The obvious poverty and conditions that some people live in.
The Things I've Really Laughed At
A live eel escaping from a plastic shopping bag, at the traffic lights, with the owner then trying to get it back in the bag, so he could take it home for tea.
James teaching a friend to drive a motorbike after a few drinks, at about midnight, in our darkened alley.
A little boy in my class pronouncing "Miss" with an exaggeration of the sss sound by shaking his head violently and falling off his seat.